Projects, Collaborations and Funding
Seadream Education CIC is a not for profit organisation and our mission is to improve individual, community and environmental health and wellbeing. We bring exciting Science and Engineering outreach and support projects to businesses, education and community, through collaboration and in association with a variety of projects and funding bodies.
We are committed to continually source funding that will enable us to manage projects that benefit communities and the environment.
Historial Projects
Exeter Community Energy
Funding from award winning community-owned cooperative, Exeter Community Energy thas enabled us to deliver workshops to schools within the Exeter area on how to save energy, helping to steer families towards help available should there be signs of fuel poverty. Exeter Community Energy wants to benefit the city of Exeter, its people and environment. Their fund for community projects encourages and inspires people to build a sustainable future, brings together people who care about climate change and the depletion of resources and people who want to reduce fuel bills, promote energy efficiency and address fuel poverty. We must all work together to learn and change the way we produce, use and think about energy and in doing so create a more sustainable, resilient and prosperous community.
Plymouth Sound Maritime Heritage
Despite Plymouth’s amazing heritage of national importance, many who live within its environs are unaware of its legacy. Seadream have received funding from the Heritage Fund to facilitate local communities to celebrate their local maritime heritage through exciting activities and school trips.
South Hams District Council Climate Engagement Fund
This funding from South Hams District Council enables us to create exciting new resources to compliment/ facilitate giving energy advice as well as deliver new community engagement sessions and school outreach activities – Including a thermal imaging camera! With vital targets to reach by 2030 we must make a difference to the current human induced accelerated global warming. Our project aims to raise awareness of the current climate and biodiversity emergency by promoting realistic actions for people in communities to carry out and also encourages and facilitates action across rural communities. We show participants how to measure their carbon footprint and help make their personal journeys towards Net Zero, delivering bespoke sessions and in addition to carbon saving tips, we highlight the importance of shifting towards renewable energy and the need for a generation of super engineers to continue making awesome breakthroughs in energy production. We inspire all participants to become an environmental hero!
Devon County Council Growing Communities Fund
Devon County Council’s Growing Communities Fund is intended to support proactive, effective, measureable and sustainable actions to enable individuals and communities to tackle the current cost of living issues, through reducing food and fuel inequalities, building self reliance. community resilience and improving mental health and well being. Supported by this funding Seadream is able to deliver workshops in schools and organisations, considering the environment during this climate emergency with projects and activities with a clear benefit to local community.
Stop Loan Sharks
The funding from Stop Loan Sharks enables Seadream to deliver sessions to schools to raise awareness of loan sharks and their methods in a fun and exciting way talking about real sharks and ocean predators, introducing participants to some real predatory parasites! We explain how they, like loan sharks, coerce their prey and are sly and sinister, targeting struggling victims which begins to introduce the terminology and set the scene in an informative, enjoyable and educational session.
Creative UK
The funding we have received from Creative UK has allowed us to organise creative aspects of a project we are working on, to share the amazing things we witne as marine biologists, to inspire communities to engage with the natural and marine environment. It has enabled us to create resources to make our company stand out and it will help launch us into the trading arena and enable us to rely less heavily on grant funding, thus making us sustainable. In collaboration with Seth White – head of immersive exepriences at Volume Innovate, Seadream has formatted 360-degree footage for viewing with our Virtual Reality (VR) headsets. This funding has allowed us to organise storyline, narration, reel, stitching etc – all the creative aspects of the project. We can use our unique 360degree video footage in our Virtual Reality (VR) headsets and take them to schools, organisations and publiv events.
Celebrate STEAM in the SW
“Celebrate STEAM in the SW” is one of our current ongoing projects alongside a collective of local organisations with similar missions. We all want to share our passion for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths (STEAM) in a collective way and so we are collectively developing Immersive Reality resources that could be used with phones, VR headsets and projected in a dome. Our output ideas and our route to achieve this are taking shape, thanks to the Plymouth Octopus Project – POP+ collective process. Our collaborative output is shaping into film/ trailer type footage, that weaves our individual stories seamlessly, flowing with the common thread that shows how we are all dealing with different aspects of the climate emergency and other environmental issues. This collaborative output is not just a normal film, as we are talking 360 degree! Watch this space…exciting things are coming!
‘Together For Our Planet’ – supported by National Lottery funding
Seadream is thrilled to have received National Lottery funding for our Community Climate Action project – “Together for our Planet” enables us to raise awareness throughout communities of the link between people’s actions and the natural environment, with particular regard to why and how we can reduce our carbon footprint. This project benefits diverse groups of people and offers fully funded workshops and activities for groups of 30 – 150 individuls at a time. From youth groups, Scouting, Girl Guiding to adult groups such as historical societies, local walk and talk groups as well as free activities at public events and spaces. We will be using visual aids such as immersive, locally filmed 360 degree footage for viewing with our Virtual Reality (VR) headsets. This project will benefit diverse groups of people from the local community of all ages, so please do get in touch if you would like us to visit you or collaborate with us! Thanks to @tnlcomfund #TogetherforOurPlanet programme, we are able to move forward with “Together for our Planet” #NationalLottery #OneStepGreener #seadreameducation #reducecarbonfootprint #togetherforourplanet #tnlcomfund
Keyham Sparks
Seadream have been awarded funding by Keyham Sparks to enable us to visit schools and community groups in Keyham with our workshops. We have a multitude of themes and activities to offer so please do contact us if you are in the Keyham area and would like us to visit? We can also work with you on how to support your community, children, young people and families in Keyham and help facilitate and deliver projects and ideas into the community.
Activities 115
Supported by funding from Activities 115 in Kingsbridge, Seadream curated a programme of unique, fun workshops and trips out for adults with learning disabilities, exploring the wonders of the marine life in our local waters, our shorelines, nature and our environment, how saving the planet starts at home and so much more! Together we explored the wonders of the marine life in our local waters, our shorelines, as well as nature and our environment. The programme culminated in a trip to Devon County Show to visit Seadream’s Prince of Wales Award Winning Ocean Discovery Zone. Supported by Activities 115 in Kingsbridge whose mission is to create a world where disability and Autism is overcome by positive activity.
Petroc Greets
Seadream Education CIC is offering a FREE and fun, informal learning project to benefit people aged 16 to 60ish, who are currently not in employment, education or training! We source and offer activities designed for each participant, working at your own pace in a Covid secure; environment. Whether it is science, discovery, art, technology, business, personal development, confidence building, employability, teamwork – these are just some of the ideas and you can help design your own programme – all for FREE! Seadream Activities are suitable for all, regardless of gender, ethnic background or social status. Please contact Juliette for more information jjackson@seadreameducation.com or via our social media pages. This project is part funded by the ESF and ESFA as a part of the Community Grants Programme, supported by PETROC COllege of Further Education
Innovation, Youth and Community (PETROC)
These are pilot activities to complement and enhance our existing ESF Community Grants Programme, particularly focused on the priority places of Torridge and West Devon, as well as North Devon, where take-up has been low. This will include capacity building activity for VCSE groups and a trial delegated small grants scheme addressing UK CRF priorities not currently covered by the ESF Community Grants programme (eg net zero and environment; digital skills (where not covered by eg bootcamps etc); upskilling/re-skilling for those in work; small-scale knowledge transfer etc. Encouraging community engagement to build on positive outcomes from the pandemic and develop new volunteering, social action and work experience opportunities for young people. Piloting an Adult Success Coaches programme to support the unemployed, particularly in priority groups and those most severely impacted by Covid-19.