The South West England Jellyfish Survey – join in and report your sightings!
We LOVE Jellyfish! However, Jellyfish are changing the structure of marine ecosystems around the world and so here at Seadream we aim to increase the understanding of the role of jellyfish populations in the marine ecosystem and their impact on fishery stock levels. Our team collect jellyfish sightings data and we have developed techniques to test water samples for jellyfish DNA . We work with members of the public to establish where jellyfish populations are in SW England and identify suitable locations to sample. This enables us to build datasets of sightings and to advance environmental DNA research techniques which enable jellyfish species to be identified.
We are getting some fantastic sightings information and photos at the moment – so please keep helping us locate the jellyfish. There are identification cards on here and so when you are next at the beach or oceanside keep an eye out for anything jellyfish related. It doesn’t have to be a full jellyfish – you may find a jelly like substance resembling a jellyfish.
Whatever you find send us a photo and the location on
Be the jellyfish spotters of the future